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Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

Prioritizing a Major Source of Your Team’s Retirement Income

At Corvus Wealth Advisors, we believe in the value of helping companies manage their employee retirement plans, as well as assisting participants with making smart decisions to lead them on the path to a successful retirement.

We provide advisory consulting services to employer-sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k)s, 403(b)s and 457s, among others. We offer a unique approach that places value not only in aiding the employer in running an efficient and compliant retirement plan but also in providing education to their employees.


Our Comprehensive
Services Include:

  • Co-fiduciary support to assist with the employer’s legal responsibilities
  • Ongoing plan compliance support
  • Assistance with investment lineup selection and monitoring
  • Ongoing scrutiny of vendor costs, including renegotiation of fees and new vendor searches and implementation
  • Group education meetings for employees
  • One-on-one consultations with employees
  • Independent, unbiased advice
  • No cost, no-obligation consultations available to prospective clients

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Extending Our Services


As a firm, we are willing to act as an ERISA 3(38) investment manager or an ERISA 3(21) investment advisor. As a discretionary 3(38) fiduciary, we are responsible for the selection, monitoring and replacement of investments for retirement plans. As a 3(21) co-fiduciary, we share in the responsibility with our clients of managing their plan investment offerings.

Interested in Learning More?

Contact Us for a Consultation